Be Healthier in 2021 with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Be Healthier in 2021 with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

It’s been long documented that stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences. And while some forms of stress are easier to diagnose based on our behavioral patterns, other types of stress are more difficult to detect. Oxidative stress, targeting our DNA, is such one hidden stress. Derived from normal metabolic processes and from environmental factors it can severy damage our cells unless we do something about it. Thankfully, phenolic compounds found in MONOGRAMextra virgin olive oil collection have strong antioxidant activity and can prevent DNA damage by protecting the cells against the harmful effects of oxidative stress. You might not realize it, but your body will know…

Lose Weight: There are thousands of diet plans that can help you shed unwanted pounds… But only one of them, the Mediterranean Diet, has been recognized as the healthiest diet overall. Studies have shown that medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) found in the oil play a crucial role in helping maintain a healthy body weight. MCT’s have also been shown to release higher levels of hormones that suppress appetite, making you feel full, longer.

Eat Healthier: Eating healthier in the new year does not have to mean completely changing your eating habits; Just add a little extra virgin olive oil to your daily routine. EVOO is a powerhouse with antioxidants and polyphenols that lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.  It has been shown to lower LDL levels and improve HDL levels.

Working more olive oil into your every day can be as easy as consuming a 1 1/2 tablespoon. Looking for some more savory ways to get your olive oil in? From breakfast smoothies to decadent desserts, there are plenty of ways to enjoy EVOO.

Get in Shape: While a bottle of olive oil could make a pretty good substitute for a hand weight, consuming more olive oil is actually more effective for helping you stay in shape. Olive oil is naturally rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which stimulate protein production on the cellular level [8]. This helps rebuild muscle after tough workouts. As an added benefit, these MUFAs also help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood, which promotes greater cardiovascular health. Olive oil has also been shown to have powerful anti-inflammation properties [9] due to the high levels of oleocanthal, a strong antioxidant.

No matter whether your goal is to run your fastest 5k or make healthier home-cooked meals,

….a  little bit of “liquid gold” can help you be a goal-getter in the New year!