Gastronomic EVOOlution

Gastronomic EVOOlution

Gastronomic experience can be a factor of motivation to improve the quality of extra virgin olive oil served at the restaurant. This is the right time to change the marketing at the restaurant, because extra virgin olive oil is an element that embodies the different aspects of the expected and perceptible quality of a food: taste, sensory, knowledge, sacredness, syncretism, health, history, naturalness and authenticity.

Tasting a high quality olive oil, discovering the complexity of the aromas released by the contact with the warm dishes and the gustatory and kinesthetic perceptions that harmoniously interact by balancing the sensory profile of the other ingredients, is comparable to the emotion of a blind man when recovers his sight. From that moment, as the blind man will not be able to tolerate returning to the oblivion of darkness, the guests that tasted a high quality extra virgin olive oil can not tolerate returning to the banality of a fat that anoints without seasoning.

The above words are written in a scientific paper published in the ” International Journal of Gatronomy and Food Science”, by the research group of Maria Lisa Clodovoe, Filomena Corbo and Amalia Tsiami (vol.22, Dec 2020).

So, the next time that you plan to visit a restaurant, just rethink your choices…by MONOGRAM team