Choose the most protective packaging

Choose the most protective packaging

Light is the num­ber one enemy for any pack­aged extra vir­gin olive oil. The more a pack­age of EVOO is exposed to light, the more its con­tent will lose its health ben­e­fits and fla­vor pro­file.

This means that trans­par­ent bot­tles con­stantly exposed to light will not remain ​extra vir­gin’ for more than just 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately, this will be the case for many Olive oils stored in clear bot­tles on super­mar­ket or deli -stores shelves.
Even green bot­tles can not entirely pre­vent the light from reach­ing the prod­uct and alter­ing its chem­i­cal pro­file.

The best solution is card­board con­tain­ers or bag in box packaging which pro­vide excellent pro­tec­tion to olive oil from light.

That’s why in MONOGRAM , we have chosen to use recyclable and durable “cardboard containers” as well as “bag in a box packaging” as a packaging material, keeping our product fully protected.  Although most of our bottles are transparent inside, they are always sold on the shelves in their cardboard packaging, ensuring 100% protection from light.